Today in, class we were going to
write about two short stories. We chose the short stories "puppies for
sale" and "two kinds". These are two very different stories. We chose "Two kinds" because we found it interesting and Ann, our teacher also showed
it to us. "Puppies for sale" did we chose because we where looking for a short
shortstory and found this one very moving, in the story we learned that even
though there are a huge difference between pet and owner, there is a great equality
Two kinds

The climax of the story is at a
piano recital and the event that unfold the day after. The mother wants to be
proud of her daughter and her musical talent. I think it seems like her mother
wants her to be well at the piano more than the daughter herself. She is doing this recital
and she actually feels confident, but the performance ends up in a disaster.
She lets her mother down and makes a fool of herself. After the performance she
regrets not taking the piano lessons more seriously. She finds out that she has let her mother down, after that she also realize that she really
wish she had tried harder, and not taken her mother for granted.
Puppies for sale:
The Short story is about a farmer
who needs to sell his puppies. The farmer accidently meets a little boy who
wants to buy one of the puppies. The farmer tells the boy that his puppies came
from good parents and that they cost a great deal of money. He offers the
farmer thirty-nine cents to take a look at the puppies. While the puppies
followed their mother the little boy noticed a puppy which jumped after the
others, the little boy told the farmer that he wanted the last puppy.
The father told the little boy
that the puppy never would be able to run and play with him like the others.
The boy rolled up the one leg of his trousers and showed the farmer a steel
brace running down both sides of his leg attaching itself which led to a
specially made shoe. The little boy told the farmer that he didn`t run well
himself and that he needed someone who understood him.

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