We saw a
movie called big miracle at school, this movie tells an amazing tale about a small
town news reporter and a Greenpeace volunteer who participate in a big experiment
which is about saving a family of majestic whales. These animals are trapped in
rapidly forming ice in the Arctic Ocean.

These are
the indigenous people of Alaska, like the Indians of America. The ancestors of
the Alaskan Natives megrated into the area thousands of years ago, the established
indigenous cultures that have succeed each other over time. The indigenous
people are divided into several groups: the Inupiat, Yupik, Aleut, Eyak, Tlingit,
Haida, Tsimshian. Together they speak twenty different languages which amaze me
a lot! Each Alaskan culture has within many different tribes as well.

Interesting, I didn't know about the different groups. Lets hope the students in Alaska can help us with further information.
SvarSlettHello, my name is Todd Miley, I am a student from Highland Tech Charter School in Anchorage, Alaska. You have a good list of cultures and a good number for the amount of different languages spoken by them. Did you know that it used to be a lot more than that? And is now less. A lot of these languages will soon be dead without proper preservation.
SvarSlettOne thing that caused such a decrease in these native languages is the construction of the Trans-Alaskan Pipeline. Before it was built, there was a large amount of negotiations between state representatives, or government officials and the native people who's land was being used or taken. It became almost a necessity for the native people to speak english for these meetings they were having. This lead to a lot of integration of these people into our American culture which lead to the further destruction of their traditional languages. It' sad that their heritage is so hard to maintain.
It's interesting to see how a technology has subtly changed a culture. What kinds of things have changed your culture through out the years?